The Isle of Man 1 Crown commemorative coin from 2017 captures a striking tribute to one of history’s most fascinating figures: Saint Olaf. The reverse side of the coin is a visual marvel, depicting Saint Olaf standing resolutely with a sword and shield, framed by the inscription “Saint Olav 995-1030.” Its design pays homage to the man who forever altered the spiritual and political landscape of Norway. 

Saint Olaf of Norway, by Pius Welonsky | 1893 | Source: Wikipedia

The Rise of a Visionary King 

Born Olaf Haraldsson, he ascended to the throne of Norway in 1015. His reign marked a turning point in the nation’s history as he pursued the unification of Norway under a single ruler and the Christianization of its people. He was a formidable leader, both on the battlefield and in matters of faith, employing diplomacy and force to achieve his vision. Among his accomplishments was the introduction of Christian laws and practices, which began to replace traditional Norse pagan customs. 

Saint Olaf in the Coat of Arms of Ulvila, Finland | Source: Wikipedia

Challenges and Exile 

Olaf’s path, however, was far from smooth. His determination to consolidate power and convert the populace to Christianity earned him fierce opposition from both local chieftains and external forces. In 1028, he was driven into exile, yet his resolve remained unshaken. He returned in 1030 to reclaim his throne but met his end at the Battle of Stiklestad, fighting valiantly for his cause. 

Death of Olaf | Source: Wikipedia

From King to Saint 

What followed was the transformation of Olaf from a mortal king into an immortal saint. Miracles were reported at his burial site, leading to his canonization in 1031 by Bishop Grimketel. Saint Olaf became the patron saint of Norway, his life and sacrifices symbolizing perseverance, faith, and unity. His legacy endured for centuries, with churches across Scandinavia and beyond bearing his name, and his feast day, July 29, celebrated in his honor. 

Statue of Saint Olaf in Orkney Cathedral | Source: Wikipedia

The Coin as a Symbol of Legacy 

The Isle of Man coin commemorates this lasting legacy with its intricate details. Composed of silver-plated copper nickel, the coin weighs 28.28 grams and measures 36.61 mm in diameter. Its obverse features the bust of Queen Elizabeth II, linking the coin to its modern context. Yet it is the reverse, the proud depiction of Saint Olaf, that serves as a timeless reminder of his impact on history and faith. 

Isle of Man 1 Crown Coin | 2017 | Queen Elizabeth II | Saint Olaf | Source: Banknote World

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