Tifa dancing
Source: Elevation Map of West Papua, Indonesia

This World Money Monday were taking it to the largest Island country with over 17,000 individual islands; the beautiful Indonesia! Indonesia is known for their lucrative juggles, landscape and authentic culture that is like none other. Located in Southeast Asia, wedged in between the pacific and Indian oceans, with over 267 million people, it is the world’s 4th most populous country as well as the most populous Muslim-majority country. Even with such a dense population this Island is known for excess amounts of wildness and biodiversity! Many of their cultural influences stem from Malaysia and other Asian countries, as well as India.

Life In Indonesia

Source: Google Images

Indonesia has a mix of city life, country living and beautiful resorts spread out amongst there islands. Facts of Indonesia states, “North Sumatra – The fourth province which has the largest poverty rate in Indonesia. For 1.5 million people with 352 thousand rupiahs in monthly income. South Sumatra – Most of poor people live in rural areas. BPS recorded, there are about 1.12 million people with monthly income only 380 thousand rupiahs. It’s often considered to be underachieving country. It recorded for 859 thousand people in Aceh live under poverty.”

Facts of Indonesia, 2018

What is the Iconic “Tifa”?

Source: Indonesian Blog Spot, Tifa Dance

The Wooden Drum that the dancers are holding is called the “Tifa”. Tifa is a typical musical instrument eastern Indonesia, particularly Maluku and West Papua. This instrument almost looks like a drum made of wood with holes in the middle. There are several different types of musical instruments such as Tifa Jekir, Basic Tifa, Tifa Cut, Tifa Potong and Jekir. Tifa’s are usually used when tribal dances are taking places for several occasions such as weddings and even casual celebrations.

1,000 Rupiah Indonesia’s Banknote, 2017

1,000 Rupiah Indonesia’s Banknote
Source: Banknote World

Speaking of Tifa, for World Money Monday, we’re going to focus on the 1,000 Rupiah banknote from 2017. Looking at the this particular banknote, on the obverse we have Cut Nyak Meutia who was seen as a symbol of pride among Indonesian women. She was featured on this banknote as part of the “National Hero” series. On the reverse, there is a man performing the Tifa dance in Banda Neira. Wikipedia states, “Banda Neira is a is the only settlement of significant size on any of the Banda Islands, located in the Maluku province of Indonesia. The town is located on the central island of the Bandas group, Banda Neira, the only one of the islands with enough flat space to allow a small town. Located in Banda Neira are government offices, stores, a wharf, and almost half of the archipelago’s 14,000 population.” (Wikipedia 2017). We also see on the reverse Sinabung Mount a horrendous volcano in Indonesia. Fun fact, this volcano was dormant for 400 years and that broke in August of 2010 and hasn’t stopped since. In 2016 it claimed 7 lives.

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3 thoughts on “World Money Monday: Indonesia

  1. Paul Neumann

    Proofread this article please! What does “lucrative juggles”,”pacific and Indian”, “excess amounts of wildness and biodiversity” mean? Indonesia does not have any cultural influences from Malaysia. It is Malaysia which is culturally influenced by Indonesia.

    The incomes for the poorest segment of the population of listed provinces on the island of Sumatra are bogus, unless you mean the non-productive parts of the demography like children under the age of 17, severely handicapped people or aged people out of workforce. Significant resources are earned outside the formal cash economy especially in rural areas of these provinces. This holds true for the rest of Indonesia.

    Actually the information on this site present a biased portrait of this country. It is like I would focus on the Montana, Vermont and the Everglades region of Florida in order to represent the United States of America.

    1. Banknote World Post author

      Thank you for your comment! The article is suppose to primarily focus on the presented banknote, and a quick history of Indonesia. We only can give a quick synapses of the country, and Indonesia is bio-diverse and jungles and other cultural influences being part of that. We would like to elaborate more, however, the main purpose of the blog is to give insight on the banknote at hand. Thank you again for sharing!

  2. Akash

    How about a detailed explanation on the 100 Rubles commemorative notes issued by Russia? Example : FIFA, Winter games and Crimea acquisition


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